Treatment for Dizziness, Vertigo, and Vestibular

We can help you stop spinning!

Dealing with dizziness, the feeling of the room spinning and/or being imbalanced can be a very disabling experience that can make every day tasks such as standing and walking difficult. The causes can be:

  • neurological - like following a concussion

  • cervicogenic - a neck related dizziness

  • from inner ear (vestibular) conditions like vertigo

  • or a combination of the above


The most common form of vertigo is benign paroxsymal positional vertigo (BPPV for short), for which a series of maneuvers like the Epley maneuver can very quickly correct the dizziness/imbalance. We are formally trained in this treatment at Trail Physio.

We are also experienced in concussion dizziness/imbalance treatment. This may utilize a different type of 'training' to readapt your nervous system, with specific advice and exercises. Cervicogenic dizziness requires specific neck treatment which we will adapt to your needs.